My Scalp Micropigmentation Decision

Picture frame with before and after photo of Jeff Jones

The Quest for Baldness Solutions is a Success!

After looking into Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP), a process akin to a hair tattoo, I realized I had finally found my baldness solution! Only after completing the SMP procedure, was I able to look back on the past 30 years and see how heavily my struggle with baldness had weighed on me.

The day of my first procedure, I looked in the mirror with my newly-inked scalp and felt like I went from a bald old man to a bad-ass that decided to shave his head – all in a few hours. Words can’t describe the exhilaration and freedom I still feel every day because of my SMP transition.  A huge burden had been lifted: my entire life had changed. 

These days I feel totally rejuvenated. I think with more positivity, I’m motivated to take better care of myself, and my overall self-confidence is through the roof.  People are amazed by the new me.

InCompass Ink is Born

My experience with baldness and now with the SMP procedure has inspired me to help make this transformation possible for other people experiencing hair loss. I’m now on a mission to help others experience the same liberation of the psyche.

Months of extensive research led me to what I believe is the best SMP training company in the United States.  I was accepted and enrolled to become certified as an SMP practitioner. After months of exhaustive schoolwork and internships in Minneapolis, I completed the program and gained my practitioner certification.

To share this opportunity, I decided to open my own studio located in Rochester, Michigan.  InCompass Ink is now here to change lives through the SMP process, and it’s been an amazing success. 

It’s Your Life

Some overall thoughts about SMP as a Baldness Solution:

  • Whether or not you spend time in the spotlight, hair loss can make it feel like your head and hair are the center of attention.
  • After trying products, procedures and supplements I was still without hair – nothing grew back or even slowed the balding experience.
  • My thinning hair prevented me from having the confidence that I longed for. Now that’s been restored ten times over!
  • I was left to hide behind expensive, high-maintenance hair pieces, and I spent hours carefully combing, spraying, and styling what hair I did have so I could conceal my baldness. NOTHING WORKED.
  • SMP has given me a level of self-confidence and freedom that I didn’t even know was possible, and many say I look years younger.
  • Post-SMP, a massive burden was lifted from my mind and soul.  My entire life changed, positively and radically. 

My experience with baldness and now with SMP has inspired me to help make this transformation possible for people in similar situations. InCompass Ink was created to help others experience what I at least have: that look of a closely shaved head through the scalp micropigmentation process.

What You Can Expect at InCompass Ink

  • 100% privacy during your procedure is absolute: You are the sole focus on your scheduled SMP date in our luxury office. I believe that crystal clear communication and high-class comfort is vital for the best outcome and experience.
  • People who have never experienced hair loss can’t understand what it’s like. I understand what you are feeling because I’ve been there. I’ve lived your pain.

If You Compare Skin Tones….

Everyone has a different skin tone. Over half of people in the US have a “warm” skin tone – skin with yellow, golden, or olive undertones to their skin. A smaller percentage of people in the US have “cool” complexions – skin with pinkish or bluish undertones. Most SMP practitioners only use variations of black ink, which works great for people with cool skin tones, but for warm skin tones black ink results in an artificial look. InCompass Ink offers six different tones of the very best professional SMP ink available. 

How Long Does it Take?

Full initial pigmentation coverage is typically achieved in one day. Walk in, drive in, or fly in for your complete, one day SMP experience. Clients fly in from all over the country to experience the InCompass Ink SMP transformation. 

Choosing InCompass Ink means you are allowing yourself to finally transform into your best self. This is something we do for ourselves, so our internal self feels reflected in our external form.  As your SMP practitioner, we design the hairline, thickness, color, and blending decisions collaboratively.

Local clients come in for their appointment, experience the SMP procedure and drive home right after. Those from farther away can fly in the night before, get their SMP treatment in one day, and fly home that evening.  Typically, an additional appointment or two is necessary for touch-ups over the next few months.

It’s About You!

I found the baldness solution. Years ago, I could never have imagined something like a hair tattoo. Scalp Micropigmentation is my answer to decades of prayer. For years, I fought the good fight: products, supplements, various hair systems, etc.  I did everything short of a hair transplant, and at the time I was hoping each solution would work. 

You must find your own way as you journey through your hair loss experience. In earlier blog posts we investigated some of the popular options for baldness solutions. I would encourage you to read back through the results of my research and my life experience.  I am here to help, to inspire you, to feel your pain, to walk beside you as we discover what’s best for you!

Thank you for taking the time to explore this important subject with me!

In the meantime, check out our frequently asked questions or feel free to contact me.

Image credit: InCompass Ink

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